Sword and Shield is the latest addition in the Pokémon franchise, and we all know that Game Freaks have included several new aspects in it. One of the major and intriguing aspects is Dynamaxing, which is based on the monster concept. Those who are not aware of it, it is a feature that can turn the Pokémon into a whooping size along with a drastic change in Pokémon stats and ability.

However, there is a lot of restriction over this feature that a player can only use Dynamaxing on one Pokémon in one game, and the Pokémon will get back to its original form after being called out back in the Pokéball.
Although it is an amazing feature, sometimes it becomes really hard for the players to use their Dynamaxing feature because it will reveal or break their strategy. Below, we have gathered some information that will attain you with some tricks to counter competitor’s Dynamax Pokémon with your normal size Pokémon.
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Beat Dynamax Pokémon
Several gamers have successfully obtained methods to tackle the opponents Dynamax Pokémon, but some of the ways are not being granted by Game Freaks. Make sure; you don’t use any of these third-party resorts as they are insecure and will lead you to the block of your game profile Id by Game Freaks. There are lots of essential items added in the Galar region by Game Freaks, and one of those items is the Eject button.
This essential consumable item will grant the Pokémon to change places with other Pokémon in the lineup. This switching of Pokémon will get the Dynamax Pokémon in confusion, and it will also hold the item. Once it holds the item, Dynamax Pokémon will switch with other Pokémon of opponents lineup, and thus, its Dynamaxing feature will finish.
This trick also works best in double Pokémon battle, and the best way to do it is by using two Pokémon in the battle, out of them, one should have the ability to possess Quick attack, and the other one must know the trick of Eject Button. Once the battle starts, the tricky Pokémon needs to hold the Eject button and activate it successfully. After it is successfully activated, other Pokémon needs to make a Quick attack, which will switch the items. Now, the Dynamax Pokémon will get back to its Pokéball after holding the Eject button and thus return to its normal form. Players can use this process against Gigantamax Pokémon.
However, this trick will work the best with the efficiency of players because it is really important to predict the opponent Dynamax Pokémon. Make sure that you read this strategic workaround carefully and obtain the tricks to counter opponents Dynamax Pokémon easily.
Alex Smith a creative person who has been writing blogs and articles about cyber security. He writes about the latest updates regarding mcafee.com/activate and how it can improve the work experience of users. His articles have been published in many popular e-magazines, blogs and websites.
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